One of the most important prerequisites to register medical device in China is country of origin approval: e.g. Declaration of Conformity (EU)/ Certificate to Foreign Government (US). The exception of this prerequisite is for innovative products.
It is ideally that you have a basic
technical documentation.
Then you have to find a
Chinese agent for foreign manufacturers who submits product dossier to NMPA and acts as a liaison between authority and legal manufacturer.
From preparation to submission of technical dossiers, it usually takes long. The country of origin approval must be ready latest at the point of dossier submission to NMPA. Till the final product approval it is unpredicted time-demanding considering the type testing and additional requests by NMPA.
Similar to product code at FDA, you can classify your produce by yourself!
There are three classes (I, II and III) of medical device in China. The higher risk the medial device undertakes, the higher classification it belongs to. Class I medical device need just listing (file filing) and Class II and III medical device require extensive approval process (article 13, 15 and 16, state council order 739, 2021).
The certificate of class I MD is without expiration and the one of Class II and III MD are valid for 5 years.
To classify your product, you need intended use, then match with classification catalog in China. The rule of classification is just supporting but not deciding guidance.
Here is example of three classifications in China. With more risk, more requirements in term of dossier and clinical dokumentation are needed.
As product code (or regulation number) at FDA in US there is also a product code system for medical device in China. The classification of medical device based on the product code catalog (only in Chinese) was issued in 2018 by NMPA. The product code is 6 digits. There are 22 main product categories. Depending on intended use, medical device can be categorized into precise 6 digits product code and belonging classification.
So far in 2023 there are 1834 generic product codes in China compared to 1700 generic device stype in US composed of 16 product panels.
Chinese product code is deciding for product classification and different than certification number after product approval.
We list hereby 22 main product categories which build the first 2 digit of 6 digit-product code up.
We established a first classification TOOL to look product code in English up. By giving the product keywords in English you can search the product code easily.
As shown in
figure 2,
the example of medical software
belongs to 21-xx-xx (Stand alone Medcial Software). Among 5 sub-categories the product matches the
therapeutic planning software
21-01-xx. Compare to the last 2 digits with different intended uses at catalog, it leads to the result of product code
Radiotherapy planning software, class III.
The Chinese product code of IVD has 2 levela after 6840.
A typical example might look like this:
At first level "XY" there are 25 main product categories.
"XY123": Specific application code for the reagent, like detecting hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg).
Man starts to compare intended use of subject medical device with it in product code catalog. To underscore is that your medical device must be WITHIN the scope of description in product code catalog, must NOT be the same, however NOT exceed the description. The classification of medical device is given in catalog.
Known the product code, you can have a screen on exemption catalog for clinical study. As well you should compare to the description in this catalog. Under the same product code it can be exempted for clinical study or in opposite depending on the intended use.
In the end you can search product specific guidance and standards with identified product code.
Good trend!
Every year NMPA issues a revised list of determined new product classification. The good trend is there are more and more medical devices down classified due to less safety concerns and raising quantity of equivalent products at market.
(free of charge at authority)
If you cant match your medical device with classification catalogue, you can apply (for free) for determination of product class.
The results can be
1. No medical device
2. Medical device matching which product code, class I or II and III
3. Class III medical device
New in 2024
Contact us via, if you want to match your Chinese product code and classification.
It is not a fix determination of product class, you can adjust your Chinese intended use, you can shorten your indication for use, you can make an intended use for non medical device and another one with intended medical use.
There are
three types of product registration of medical device in China:
As in
figure 4
shown, change registration applies normally to new product release which needs new "declaration of conformity". The product certificate is not unlimited valid. The certificate of class II and III medical device is only
5 years valid.
*The change registration in significant modification matter is abbreviated in text to change registration at whole website
Change registration (in administration matter)
By change of:
Change/modification registration (in significant modification matter)
By change of:
(e.g. Version 1.0 to Version 2.0 bearing the change of software environment or safety level or significant cybersecurity etc.)
Unlike in EU and US there is no official guidance published in China indicating all significant changes in term of
change registration in modification matter. In general all changes that significantly affect safety or effectiveness of product represents
significant changes of medical device.
If new or revised product-specific guidances and obligatory standards apply, it is recommended to prepare next change- and extension registration compliant with new requirements in time.
Nevertheless the new "Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices" in 2021 reveal in brief formulation the significant/substantial changes. Please understand significant/substantial changes not as just notification them after implementation of changes in 30 days to NMPA, it means a new change registration.
Article 21 The design, raw materials, production process, scope of application, method of use, etc. of registered II and III medical device have undergone
substantial changes. If it is likely to affect the safety and effectiveness of the medical device, the registrants shall apply to the original registration department to go through the procedures for changing the registration; if other changes occur, it shall be filed or reported in accordance with the regulations of the drug regulatory department of the State Council.
The NMPA certificate is 5 years valid. Normally you should start preparing the renewal of NMPA certificate 6 months before the expiration date of certificate if there is no significant change of product or new valid regulation. Similar to change registration if new obligatory product specific standards apply to your product, you have to start FIRSTLY a change registration and SECONDLY a renewal and to initial oft new type testing ca. 1-2 years before the expiration time of certificate.
It is not uncommon at the moment NMPA asks for a
shelf life test due to the recently valid standards of shelf life,
usability test
will probably come soon.
Article 22 at Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices in 2021
In any of the following circumstances, the registration shall not be renewed:
(1) An application for renewal of registration has not been filed within the prescribed time limit;
(2) The mandatory standards for medical devices have been revised, and the medical devices applying for renewal of registration cannot meet the new requirements;
(3) Conditionally approved medical devices fail to complete the items specified in the medical device registration certificate within the prescribed time limit.
Binding regulation of 6 months prior to apply for renewal (2021)
If a medical device registration certificate expires and needs to be renewed, the registrant should apply for renewal of registration 6 months before the expiry of the medical device registration certificate and submit the application information in accordance with the relevant requirements. Due to incomplete application information or does not meet the statutory form need to correct information, the authority will provide “notice of correction” indicating the time of the registrant's first application for renewal. When the registrant applies for renewal of registration again after correction, he shall submit the notice of correction. The authority will determine whether the application for renewal of registration is made 6 months before the expiry of the registration certificate of the medical device according to the time of the registrant's first application for renewal of registration as stated in the notice of correction, and will review the application information in accordance with the provisions of the measures.
Binding regulation of actions of obligatory standard at renewal (2021)
Since October 1, 2021, if there are new mandatory standards, national standard released and implemented during the validity period (5 years) of the medical device registration certificate, the registered products should comply with the new mandatory standards, national standard, the registrant should first apply for change of registration, obtain the original approval and then submit application for renewal. If the requirements are met, the application shall be accepted for review and approval. If the requirements are not met, the registrant will be notified in writing to make corrections.
If the registration is being or will be changed, the registrant should also apply for renewal of registration 6 months before the expiry of the medical device registration certificate, and the authority will handle the renewal of registration in accordance with the relevant provisions of this circular.
Do you know that prerequisite, classification, product code (group), registration pathway, type of registration is essential part of professional proposal?
Below was an exceptional tool in Singapore to evaluate device classification and registration requirement.
We garantee always a free consulting stage with medical device manufacturer to define registration gap analysis in global registration.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for contacting us.
We will answer you as soon as possible.
Antonio Lee
China, Germany
Frankfurt, Stuttgart Germany
Sun Dong An Plaza, No. 138
Beijing China
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