eRPS stands for electronic regulated product submission. In accordance to guidance “Non-In vitro Diagnostic Device Market Authorization Table of Contents” at International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF), NMPA published in 2021 guidelines for electronic submissions with requirements aligning with international table of content for all submission format. The new electronic submission format applies to:
As of 01. 11. 2019 all submission dossiers have to be transferred through registered eRPS system to NMPA. No hard copy is required any more. China is second country after Canada to strengthe a clear table of content of submitted documents in electronic format.
The Chinese entity or Chinese agent of overseas manufacturer should apply for "Certificate Authority" to log in eRPS. The eRPS system is independent from products. If Chinese agent take over this role, he can use one eRPS system to submit dossiers of diverse products and for different legal manufacturers.
Altogether there are 6 chapters instead of old 12 chapters in term of table of content. Below are the main documents matching each chapter listed. For overseas manufacturers it means re-structure of submission dossiers, as well the communication by means of new eRPS channel to receive and response acceptance- and additional request after review by NMPA. It is also economically and ecologically a good example without submitting hard copy. From the view of authority, they have an electronic back up of documents of approved medical device to trace easily later on.
Documents needed for new table of content through eRPS:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for contacting us.
We will answer you as soon as possible.
Antonio Lee
China, Germany
Frankfurt, Stuttgart Germany
Sun Dong An Plaza, No. 138
Beijing China
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