technical documentation (equivalent to technical document, technical file, design history file, design dossier, registration document or submission dossier)
Medical Device, in vitro diagnostic, quality management system, type testing, product technical requirement, clinical evaluation, instruction for use, labels, non-clinical validation or evidence, product description, marketing history, production workflow, risk management, software file, usability validation and material specification
After introduction of Chinese Electronic regulated product submission (eRPS) in 2019, many manufacturers and even experienced consulting firms are suddenly meeting a new problem how to submit registration dossier in a given eRPS structure and pass the acceptance review at Chinese authority.
Behind adapting the eRPS, it is actually a new challenge for manufacturer how solid internal technical documentation (TD) is built up. The first task is to extract correct contents from TD fulfilling the requirements in each CH-chapter. The second task is to position the documents in correct eRPS folders.
Actually it is a kind of regulatory affairs science how to build up internal technical documentation, to extract R&D documents in recommended structure for notified body and multi international authorities.
Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF) started to evolve with a Summery Technical Documentation (STED) by giving a document structure:
· Device Description and Product Specification
· Labeling
· Design and Manufacturing Information
· Essential Principles (EP) Checklist
· Risk Analysis
· Product Verification and Validation
Unfortunately after reorganisation to International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF), these TD-chapters above don’t cover common requirements for countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, European Union, Japan, Russia, Singapore, South Korea and the United State. The second generation Regulated Product Submission (RPS) was born in 2014. It considers all regional difference of requirements.
Here is a table of content of Chinese eRPS:
· Chapter 1 Regional administration
· Chapter 2 Summary Materials
· Chapter 3 Non-clinical evidence (see below)
· Chapter 4 Clinical evidence
· Chapter 5 labelling ad promotional material
· Chapter 6A Quality management system procedures
· Chapter 6B Quality management system device specific information
Compared to former submission in paper before RPS in China, the new table of content is characterised with sub-branches. Now the different technical chapter will be sent to corresponding technical groups under review by Chinese authority. So the width and depth of technical documentation is in at a more professional level.
Like all international standard or guidance, on the way of its implementation to Chinese requirements, it is always a bit different.
Let`s have a look at chapter CH2.4.2 Description of Device Packaging
a) Information regarding the packaging of the devices, including, when applicable, primary packaging, secondary and any other packaging associated;
b) Specific packaging of accessories marketed together with the medical devices shall also be described;
c) If the user needs to package the medical device or its accessories before they perform sterilization, information about the correct packaging (e.g. material, composition, dimension) should be provided.
eRPS requirements, NMPA
Packaging description. Information on the packaging of the product and the packaging of accessories sold with the product; for sterile medical devices, information on the initial packaging appropriate to the sterilization method should be stated.
The requirements at nIVD MA ToC in IMDRF focus on different levels of labels, specific packaging of accessories and packaging info before sterilization. The requirements in eRPS format at NMPA require the general packaging description, packaging of accessories and packaging information of sterile medical device.
The conclusion is that the manufacturer should check the original regional requirements in Chinese eRPS guidance. The extent of documents could be more simple, however a bit different. The authority has its own preference and also traditional review thinking from former submission structure with only 12 chapters and without sub-chapters.
Besides the submission structure in given table of content, it hides the requirements behind each chapter of which legal manufacturer should take care. Besides it, the manufacturers should pay attention to product specific guiances and standards. The requirements in details are derived from there regarding the specific verification and validation (software, shelf life, usbility, bocompatibility etc.), risk management and clinical evaluation etc.
Which one is under sharp view of Chinese authority after introduction of eRPS format?
If clinical study is not applicable to subject medical device, the eRPS chapter 3 NON-CLINICAL EVIDENCE is the most challenging part to provide verification and validation test. We would accompany you to go through the detailed requirement by NMPA.
As seen below there are 8 second level chapters (CH03. XX) under NON-CLINICAL EVIDENCE.
Among CH03.05, these chapters in figure 3 squared have same sub-structures:
study description, study identifier, date of initiation, summary, full report and statistical data (if applicable)
It means that manufacturer should pay attention of these topics by providing convincing testing report and understandable summary. So far all tests can be done in home country without additional Chinese requirements despite existing Chinese standards. For summary it should include the (1) purpose, (2) methods, (3) acceptance criteria, (4) results and (5) discussion and conclusions.
3.05.01 Physical and Mechanical Characterization
3.05.02 Chemical/Material Characterization
3.05.03 Electrical Systems: Safety, Mechanical and Environmental Protection, and Electromagnetic Compatibility
3.05.04 Radiation Safety
Information on product performance studies and a description of the study and preparation of the technical requirements of the product should be provided, including the basis for the determination of functional and safety indicators and other indicators relevant to quality control, the standards or methods used, the reasons for their use and the theoretical basis.
The requirements behind above 4 verification aspects are often written in product-specific guidances and standards. The applied standards, requirements and testing methods should be described.
3.05.05 Software/Firmware
For products containing software, a separate medical device software description document should be provided, including basic information, implementation process and core algorithms, the level of detail depending on the level of security and complexity of the software. At the same time, a statement on the naming rules for the software version should be issued, specifying all the fields and field meanings of the software version, identifying the full version of the software and the identification version used for distribution.
As seen beforehand in figure, the given subfolders` names reveal a complex software file in accordance with corresponding software guidances and standards.
3.05.06 Biocompatibility and Toxicology Evaluation
The biocompatibility of the materials in the finished product that come into direct or indirect contact with patients and users should be evaluated.
The biocompatibility evaluation study information should include:
1. the basis and methods of the biocompatibility evaluation;
2. a description of the materials used in the product and the nature of the contact with humans;
3. the rationale and justification for performing or exempting biological tests;
4. an evaluation of the available data or test results
For these 2 subfolders you have to provide a summary of biocompatibility, testing report and GLP certificate of testing labs. The test should fulfil guidance of biocompatibility of medical device.
3.05.08 Safety of Materials of Biological Origin (human/animal)
For products containing products with biosafety risks such as homologous materials, materials of animal origin or bioactive substances, information on biosafety studies of the relevant materials and bioactive substances should be provided. Include a description of the process of obtaining, processing, preserving, testing and handling of tissues, cells and materials; a description of the source (including details of donor screening) and a description of validation tests of the method of removal or inactivation of viruses, other pathogens and immunogenic substances during production; and a brief summary of the process validation. End-User Sterilization
End-user sterilisation: the recommended sterilisation process (methods and parameters) and the basis for the determination of the recommended sterilisation method should be specified; for products that can withstand two or more sterilisations, information on the study of the tolerance of the recommended sterilisation method associated with the product should be provided. Manufacturer Sterilization
Sterilisation by the manufacturer: the sterilisation process (methods and parameters) and the sterility assurance level (SAL) should be specified and a sterilisation confirmation report should be provided. Residual Toxicity
Residual toxicity: If the method used for sterilisation is prone to residues, information on residues and the treatment methods adopted should be specified and research information provided. Cleaning and Disinfection Validation
End-user sterilisation: the recommended sterilisation process (method and parameters) and the basis for the determination of the recommended sterilisation method should be specified.
3.05.10 Animal Testing
Pre-clinical animal test study information includes the purpose, results and records of the animal test study.
3.05.11 Usability/Human Factors
Fortunately the usability test is still not obligatory. It would be surprising requirements when manufacturer have to clarify the population difference. If not, a potential third local testing with Chinese user after type testing and conditional shelf life testing might be in reality.
3.07.01 Product Stability
Determination of expiry date: If applicable, a validation report of the expiry date of the product should be provided.
The validation report should comply with shelf life of active medical device guidance. Either you can let medical device undergo accelerating aging test, or you provide an analysis report regarding all critical components in storage, transportation, sterilization and usage conditions. Another literature reference is ASTM 1980-2.
3.07.02 Package Validation
1. For medical devices with a limited number of repeated uses, information on the verification of the number of uses should be provided.
2. Packaging and packaging integrity: the basis for maintaining the integrity of the packaging during the declared expiry date and under the conditions of transport and storage.
The requirement of packaging validation is according to Chinese standard YY/T 0681.
Let`s concentrate on the key chapters with verification and validation (V&V) requirements again. We have to choose Annex II, 6 at MDR in EU to compare to.
Let`s assume that the legal manufacturers with marked medical device in Europe had a solid technical documentation matching Annex II, 6. Product Verification and Validation, how can we match requirements to Chinese eRPS structure?
Annex II, 6. Product Verification and Validation in MDR
6.1 (a) results of tests, such as engineering, laboratory, simulated use and animal tests, and evaluation of published literature applicable to the device, taking into account its intended purpose, or to similar devices, regarding the pre-clinical safety of the device and its conformity with the specifications;
6.1 (b) detailed information regarding test design, complete test or study protocols, methods of data analysis, in addition to data summaries and test conclusions regarding in particular:
the biocompatibility of the device including the identification of all materials in direct or indirect contact with the patient or user;
6.2 (d) In the case of devices containing CMR or endocrine-disrupting substances referred to in Section 10.4.1 of Annex I, the justification referred to in Section 10.4.2 of that Annex.
6.1 (b) detailed information regarding test design, complete test or study protocols, methods of data analysis, in addition to data summaries and test conclusions regarding in particular:
physical, chemical and microbiological characterisation;
6.1 (b) detailed information regarding test design, complete test or study protocols, methods of data analysis, in addition to data summaries and test conclusions regarding in particular:
electrical safety and electromagnetic compatibility;
6.1 (b) detailed information regarding test design, complete test or study protocols, methods of data analysis, in addition to data summaries and test conclusions regarding in particular:
software verification and validation (describing the software design and development process and evidence of the validation of the software, as used in the finished device. This information shall typically include the summary results of all verification, validation and testing performed both in-house and in a simulated or actual user environment prior to final release. It shall also address all of the different hardware configurations and, where applicable, operating systems identified in the information supplied by the manufacturer);
6.1 (b) detailed information regarding test design, complete test or study protocols, methods of data analysis, in addition to data summaries and test conclusions regarding in particular:
stability, including shelf life
6.1 (b) detailed information regarding test design, complete test or study protocols, methods of data analysis, in addition to data summaries and test conclusions regarding in particular:
performance and safety
6.1(c) the clinical evaluation report and its updates and the clinical evaluation plan referred to in Article 61(12) and Part A of Annex XIV;
6.1 (d) the PMCF plan and PMCF evaluation report referred to in Part B of Annex XIV or a justification why a PMCF is not applicable.
6.2 (b) Where a device is manufactured utilising tissues or cells of human or animal origin, or their derivatives, and is covered by this Regulation in accordance with points (f) and (g) of Article 1(6, and where a device incorporates, as an integral part, tissues or cells of human origin or their derivatives that have an action ancillary to that of the device and is covered by this Regulation in accordance with the first subparagraph of Article 1(10), a statement indicating this fact. In such a case, the documentation shall identify all materials of human or animal origin used and provide detailed information concerning the conformity with Sections 13.1. or 13.2., respectively, of Annex I.
(c) In the case of devices that are composed of substances or combinations of substances that are intended to be introduced into the human body and that are absorbed by or locally dispersed in the human body, detailed information, including test design, complete test or study protocols, methods of data analysis, and data summaries and test conclusions, regarding studies in relation to:
—absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion;
—possible interactions of those substances, or of their products of metabolism in the human body, with other devices, medicinal products or other substances, considering the target population, and its associated medical conditions;
— local tolerance; and
— toxicity, including single-dose toxicity, repeat-dose toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive and developmental toxicity, as applicable depending on the level and nature of exposure to the device.
6.2 (e) In the case of devices placed on the market in a sterile or defined microbiological condition, a description of the environmental conditions for the relevant manufacturing steps. In the case of devices placed on the market in a sterile condition, a description of the methods used, including the validation reports, with respect to packaging, sterilisation and maintenance of sterility. The validation report shall address bioburden testing, pyrogen testing and, if applicable, testing for sterilant residues.
3.05.10 Animal Testing
3.05.06 Biocompatibility and Toxicology Evaluation
3.05.07 Non-Material-Mediated Pyrogenicity
3.05.01 Physical and Mechanical Characterization
3.05.02 Chemical / Material Characterization
3.05.03 Electrical Systems: Safety, Mechanical and Environmental Protection, and Electromagnetic Compatibility Software Verification and Validation
3.07.01 Product Stability
3.05.01 Physical and Mechanical Characterization
3.05.02 Chemical/Material Characterization
3.05.03 Electrical Systems: Safety, Mechanical and Environmental Protection, and Electromagnetic Compatibility
3.05.04 Radiation Safety
4.2.1 clinical evaluation information
3.05.08 Safety of Materials of Biological Origin (human/animal) Manufacturer Sterilization Residual Toxicity
3.07.02 Package Validation
It is clear that the requirement match between MDR, Annex II, chapter 6 and CH-chapter, NON-CLINICAL EVIDENCE is almost 100% besides clinical evaluation and PMCF.
Do you know that for registration needed technical documentation is just a part of iceberg of design history file at development? Communication in cross discipplin and entity can be struggling.
Contact us if you need
It might take decades for authority to introduce the next generation of documentation structure. In our opinions, the first level of table of content would include 12-16 chapters (CH.XX). The 7 first level CH-chapters in the second generation of international submission format are short as overview. However, to arrive to deepest 6. level of CH-Subfolder, you have to click 5 times. It is supposed that most manufacturers prepare the dossiers by filling, searching, editing, revising the folders. As searching in drawer the fewer clicks RA specialists choose folder, the more selectively individuals can handle the submission dossier in aduring and after product registration.
We just hope that one day a harmonised TOC in all globe markets of medical device will be accepted. Keeping to dream that, let regulatory affairs experts for Chinese medical device market firstly face to understand the developing requirements behind Chinese eRPS folder.
With Easychinapprov, all requirements of technical documentation are in control.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for contacting us.
We will answer you as soon as possible.
Antonio Lee
China, Germany
Frankfurt, Stuttgart Germany
Sun Dong An Plaza, No. 138
Beijing China
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