The general “stand of the art” of medical software in China is in a developing stage. Many manufacturers misuses medical software in the health field and Chinese NMPA is struggling to align with internal regulation of medical device to surveil this new arising market which will impact Chinese medical device market in the next centuries.
Let’s narrow the definition firstly of medical software to software as medical device (SaMD). Excluded is embedded software in medical device system which is regulated through solid software guidance in 2022 to be covered by software file. In this guidance, SaMD is also mentioned and defined as:
“Software that has one or more medical purposes/uses, can complete its intended use without medical device hardware, and run on a general-purpose computing platform. The general computing platform meets the safety requirements of information technology equipment (including electromagnetic compatibility)”
This topic of SaMD is quite complex. We give some hint to register SaMD in China. So far the challenge to mark the SaMD in China is intransparent due to missing knowledge at authority, testing institutions and SaMD manufacturers und its usage at hospitals or at home. Still China remains an attractive market to enter earlier due to medical environment potential and huge populations which live already in artificial intelligence life.
As at FDA there is a product code system in China which determines the product classification. All medical software belongs to 21-xx-xx main groups. So far there are only roughly 6 subgroups:
· 21-01 Treatment Planning Software
· 21-02 Image processing software
· 21-03 Data processing software
· 21-04 Decision Support Software
· 21-05 In vitro diagnostic software
· 21-06 Others
Including the last 2 digits among 6 product code there are 51 precise product code of medical device. For innovative SaMD which has no equivalent product to compare in China, there is a green pathway of registration with prerequisite that the medical device has a Chinese patent.
The first task for manufacturers is to match product code and classification depending on intended use of subject medical device.
Regulatory requirements are following and guiding to which SaMD manufacturer should develop SaMD compliant. The technical dossier to submit is to adapt to Chinese regulation of software.
We list the most important regulations for SaMD below:
"As IEC 62304:2015"
"As IEC/TR 80002-1:2009"
"As ISO/IEC 25051:2014"
"As IEC 60950-1:2005"
*Please refer to product specific standards as in guidance of Software Registration Review and Cybersecurity Registration Review as well in product specific guidance.
Belonging to registration plan are always the
timeline of registration, resources plan (budget, personal) and competitor analysis.
At the end of evaluation of registration of SaMD, a gap analysis is created to the current technical documentation of SaMD. Upon the gap the actions should be initiated in a project: prepare internal testing, type testing in China, draft IFU and perhaps Chinese interface language, plan of clinical evaluation or clinical study.
For foreign manufacturers you might need a Chinese representative (Chinse agent) to submit the dossier to NMPA if you don’t have a Chinese entity. However foreign manufacturers remain as marketing authorised holder in China which might be different than in Japan.
It could be nice to have a reliable Chinese distributor however not typical late after product approval. During the testing in China, a person e.g. as future Chinese distributor who is familiar to your SaMD might be useful to show how the software works to testing engineers. If medical software had cloud service to save data of patient, only a Chinese distributor could run this cloud. No data of patient goes abroad.
All technical dossiers should be submitted electronically in Chinese. Based on general and special Chinese requirements of software, the dossier would be edited, revised, proved and released. At the same time manufacturers has to start type testing as early as possible. This is unique Chinese other than registration in home country where SaMD is not exanimated by external lab. The functional parameters as stated in a tempate at software guidance will be tested conform to Chinese standard.
Prior to submission, foreign manufacturer has to notarise some original certificates and statements and sign all English documented as reference. After submission of technical dossier, the manufacturers may get an acceptance notification in 5 days if some documents in dossier are missing. After acceptance of dossier, NMPA begins technical review after which manufacturers have one year time to address technical deficiency till final approval.
In China manufactures don’t need to register themselves after product approval. You get a product certificate of SaMD valid for next 5 years. It is better to register UDI for class III SaMD immediately after product approval. As of this date you may distribute SaMD in Chinese market. Typically there is some obligatory for manufacturers to monitor the product in term of adverse events, recalls, periodic risk evaluation report, annual QM report.
SaMD is also under change assessment. The typical significant changes to trigger next change registration are significant cybersercurity and release of next main software version which normally adjusted by the first letter of software version depending on naming of software version. Otherwise manufactures have to renewal their certificate every 5 years.
Contact us to have a professional registration evaluation and marketing strategy of your SaMD. It is way wise to kick a complex registration project off with risk-based approach with actions already analysed and prepared.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for contacting us.
We will answer you as soon as possible.
Antonio Lee
China, Germany
Frankfurt, Stuttgart Germany
Sun Dong An Plaza, No. 138
Beijing China
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